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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 11 159
Eastern-tailed Blue Cupido comyntas 6 123
Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia 32 81
Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa 18 62
Eastern Forktail Ischnura verticalis 41 56
None Pentagenia vittigera 1 50
Blue-fronted Dancer Argia apicalis 19 48
Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice 9 46
Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis 11 45
Eastern Pondhawk Erythemis simplicicollis 13 40
Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera 17 38
Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella 24 35
None Prionus cuneatus 32 33
Cabbage White Pieris rapae 10 32
Common Green Darner Anax junius 22 30
Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos 12 30
Monarch Danaus plexippus 8 29
Stream Bluet Enallagma exsulans 5 29
Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme 5 27
Ebony Jewelwing Calopteryx maculata 14 27
Silver-spotted Skipper Epargyreus clarus 10 26
Baltimore Checkerspot Euphydryas phaeton 6 23
Orange Wing Moth Mellilla xanthometata 18 22
None Notoxus desertus 2 21
Powdered Dancer Argia moesta 21 21
Blue-tipped Dancer Argia tibialis 6 20
Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor 7 20
Summer Azure Celastrina neglecta 7 19
Celery Leaftier Moth Udea rubigalis 18 18
Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes 12 18
Zabulon Skipper Lon zabulon 6 17
Bent-winged Owlet Moth Bleptina caradrinalis 17 17
Familiar Bluet Enallagma civile 17 17
Common Gray Anavitrinella pampinaria 16 16
Skimming Bluet Enallagma geminatum 3 14
One-Spotted Variant Hypagyrtis unipunctata 14 14
Great Spangled Fritillary Argynnis cybele 7 14
Prince Baskettail Epitheca princeps 6 13
American Lady Vanessa virginiensis 5 13
Grass Tubeworm Moth Acrolophus arcanella 12 12
Fragile Forktail Ischnura posita 11 12
Large Mossy Lithacodia Protodeltote muscosula 12 12
Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata 12 12
American Rubyspot Hetaerina americana 12 12
Checkered White Pontia protodice 7 12
American Copper Lycaena hypophlaeas 10 11
Painted Lichen Moth Hypoprepia fucosa 11 11
Forage Looper Moth Caenurgina erechtea 11 11
Red Banded Leafroller Moth Argyrotaenia velutinana 11 11
Small Baileya Baileya australis 11 11
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.