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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
316708 Lethe eurydice Iowa Cerro Gordo Hoffman Prairie Frank Olsen 6 2022-07-13
318241 Lethe eurydice Iowa Cerro Gordo Hoffman Prairie Jay Gilliam 3 2022-07-23
319652 Lethe eurydice Iowa Cerro Gordo Hoffman Prairie Jay Gilliam 3 2022-07-23
336263 Lethe eurydice Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2023-06-27
346381 Lethe eurydice Iowa Cerro Gordo Hoffman Prairie Jay Gilliam 1 2023-07-22
354200 Lethe eurydice Iowa Winneshiek Chipera Prairie Park Kirk J. Larsen 1 1994-08-02
354201 Lethe eurydice Iowa Winneshiek Chipera Prairie Park Kirk J. Larsen 1 1994-09-17
354202 Lethe eurydice Iowa Winneshiek Chipera Prairie Park Jennifer Bovee 1 1998-06-24
Displaying 676 - 683 of 683 results with 1,856 total observations. Queries took 0.017s.