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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
62451 Lethe eurydice Iowa Clay Kirchner Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2007-06-25
62452 Lethe eurydice Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 4 2006-07-10
62453 Lethe eurydice Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 4 2007-06-19
62454 Lethe eurydice Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 7 2006-07-02
62455 Lethe eurydice Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2006-07-27
62456 Lethe eurydice Iowa Dickinson Lakeville Prairie Mike Saunders 1 1993-07-18
62457 Lethe eurydice Iowa Butler Leeper Prairie Preserve Frank Olsen 5 2004-07-27
62458 Lethe eurydice Iowa Cerro Gordo Lekwa Marsh Wildlife Management Area Mike Saunders 4 1993-07-18
62459 Lethe eurydice Iowa Dickinson Christopherson Slough Frank Olsen 1 2007-06-22
62460 Lethe eurydice Iowa Marshall Marietta Sand Prairie State Preserve Tim Orwig 1 1989-07-15
62461 Lethe eurydice Iowa Dickinson Milford Fen Tim Orwig 1 1989-07-08
62462 Lethe eurydice Iowa Linn Millard Preserve Frank Olsen 2 1992-07-11
62463 Lethe eurydice Iowa Linn Millard Preserve Frank Olsen 2 1992-07-18
62464 Lethe eurydice Iowa Linn Millard Preserve Frank Olsen 3 1992-08-01
62465 Lethe eurydice Iowa Linn Millard Preserve Frank Olsen 1 1992-07-06
62466 Lethe eurydice Iowa Linn Millard Preserve Frank Olsen 5 1992-07-26
62467 Lethe eurydice Iowa Floyd Mink Creek Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 2 2006-07-27
62468 Lethe eurydice Iowa Floyd Mink Creek Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 30 2006-07-10
62469 Lethe eurydice Iowa Floyd Mink Creek Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 5 2006-07-20
62470 Lethe eurydice Iowa Floyd Mink Creek Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 9 2006-06-28
62471 Lethe eurydice Iowa Floyd Mink Creek Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 1 2006-06-17
62472 Lethe eurydice Iowa Fayette Nekola Fen Frank Olsen 1 2010-06-24
62473 Lethe eurydice Iowa Chickasaw New Hampton Mitigation Dennis Schlicht 1 2005-06-30
62474 Lethe eurydice Iowa Chickasaw New Hampton Mitigation Frank Olsen 4 2005-07-10
62475 Lethe eurydice Iowa Chickasaw New Hampton Mitigation Frank Olsen 1 2005-08-04
Displaying 576 - 600 of 683 results with 1,856 total observations. Queries took 0.025s.