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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
62270 Satyrium titus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-28
62395 Lethe eurydice Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-28
62631 Argynnis cybele Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-28
63528 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-28
64225 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 3 1994-06-28
106834 Cercyonis pegala Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 7 1994-06-28
51095 Boloria bellona Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 7 1994-06-30
51537 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 3 1994-06-30
51964 Cercyonis pegala Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 12 1994-06-30
52223 Chlosyne gorgone Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
53136 Colias philodice Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 14 1994-06-30
53844 Danaus plexippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
55263 Euphyes conspicua Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 4 1994-06-30
55338 Euphyes dion Iowa Black Hawk Location Protected Ed Freese 3 1994-06-30
55966 Cupido comyntas Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
57258 Limenitis archippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
59571 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 13 1994-06-30
60323 Pieris rapae Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 3 1994-06-30
62379 Lethe eurydice Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 11 1994-06-30
62519 Argynnis aphrodite Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
62630 Argynnis cybele Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 7 1994-06-30
63529 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-30
50186 Anatrytone logan Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1994-07-05
50823 Asterocampa clyton Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-07-05
51094 Boloria bellona Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 5 1994-07-05
Displaying 626 - 650 of 2,019 results with 6,438 total observations. Queries took 0.076s.