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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
53841 Danaus plexippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-02
59588 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 3 1994-06-02
59592 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 4 1994-06-09
61243 Polites coras Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-09
51096 Boloria bellona Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-13
51276 Boloria myrina Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 5 1994-06-13
51529 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 48 1994-06-13
52443 Colias eurytheme Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 7 1994-06-13
53137 Colias philodice Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 16 1994-06-13
53802 Danaus plexippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 13 1994-06-13
57243 Limenitis archippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 11 1994-06-13
57865 Tharsalea hyllus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1994-06-13
58798 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-13
59603 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 75 1994-06-13
60336 Pieris rapae Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 5 1994-06-13
61239 Polites coras Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 4 1994-06-13
63515 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1994-06-13
64226 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 7 1994-06-13
51097 Boloria bellona Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 8 1994-06-14
52222 Chlosyne gorgone Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-14
53161 Colias philodice Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 6 1994-06-14
53814 Danaus plexippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1994-06-14
57252 Limenitis archippus Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 5 1994-06-14
59584 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 20 1994-06-14
60352 Pieris rapae Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1994-06-14
Displaying 551 - 575 of 2,019 results with 6,438 total observations. Queries took 0.059s.