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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
3103 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3104 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Cerro Gordo Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3105 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Henry Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3106 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3107 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Linn Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3108 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3109 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
3110 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Story Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
6828 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
6829 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Worth Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
6830 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Floyd Location Protected Aaron Brees 4 2011-06-18
55188 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Butler Location Protected Mark Leoschke 25 2008-07-03
55189 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Cerro Gordo Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2006-07-04
55190 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Chickasaw Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2003-07-04
55191 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Chickasaw Location Protected Mark Leoschke 6 2008-07-10
55192 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Chickasaw Location Protected Mark Leoschke 8 2008-07-10
55193 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Chickasaw Location Protected Mark Leoschke 24 2008-07-09
55194 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Chickasaw Location Protected Mark Leoschke 4 2008-07-11
55195 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-06-06
55196 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected John G. Nehnevaj 1 1986-06-06
55197 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected Jeff Nekola 1 1986-06-25
55198 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected Mark Leoschke 4 2002-07-12
55199 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Allamakee Location Protected Mark Leoschke 7 2002-07-11
55200 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected Frank Olsen 1 2002-06-21
55201 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected Jeff Nekola 1 1989-06-18
Displaying 1 - 25 of 148 results with 1,095 total observations. Queries took 0.008s.