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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
266422 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-12
266423 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-12
266427 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-12
266787 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-12
266810 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-12
267650 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2020-06-23
269208 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2020-07-30
272478 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2020-08-17
279385 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2020-07-27
288206 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-02
288222 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-02
288228 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-02
288230 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-02
288232 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-02
288601 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-12
295341 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2021-07-09
310134 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2022-06-12
314062 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Jim Durbin 1 2022-08-30
314204 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Jim Durbin 1 2022-08-30
314782 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2022-09-15
318763 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2022-07-09
336876 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Benton Wildcat Bluff Recreational Area Jim Durbin 1 2023-07-06
336878 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Benton Wildcat Bluff Recreational Area Jim Durbin 1 2023-07-06
337444 Dichomeris juncidella Iowa Benton Wildcat Bluff Recreational Area Jim Durbin 1 2023-07-11
23699 Dichomeris setosella Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Keith Summerville 1 2003-05-15
Displaying 1,851 - 1,875 of 2,150 results with 2,331 total observations. Queries took 0.065s.