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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
19014 Catocala clintonii Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-15
19015 Catocala clintonii Kentucky Ohio Leon's Farm, Ohio County Jim Durbin 1 2005-06-06
19016 Catocala coccinata Iowa Story Fire Station No 3, Ames Jim Durbin 1 2004-06-19
19017 Catocala coccinata Iowa Muscatine Wildcat Den State Park Doug Veal 1 2004-07-09
19018 Catocala coccinata Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Doug Veal 1 2005-07-02
19019 Catocala coccinata Iowa Appanoose Sharon Bluffs State Park Frank Olsen 1 2006-07-21
19020 Catocala ultronia Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-04
19021 Catocala coccinata Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2009-07-24
19022 Catocala coccinata Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Paul Skrade 1 2003-09-09
19023 Catocala coccinata Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2010-07-02
19024 Catocala coccinata Iowa Pottawattamie Hitchcock Nature Center Doug Veal 1 2008-07-05
19025 Catocala coccinata Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2010-06-21
19026 Catocala coccinata Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Jim Durbin 1 2012-06-08
19027 Catocala coccinata Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Doug Veal 1 2012-06-09
19028 Catocala coccinata Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Doug Veal 1 2012-06-22
19029 Catocala crataegi Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Keith Summerville 1 2003-05-15
19030 Catocala crataegi Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2007-07-12
19031 Catocala crataegi Iowa Linn Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2008-07-27
19032 Catocala crataegi Iowa Linn Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2008-08-21
19033 Catocala crataegi Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2011-07-02
19034 Catocala amatrix Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2009-09-17
19035 Catocala crataegi Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2011-07-02
19037 Catocala epione Kentucky Ohio Leon's Farm, Ohio County Jim Durbin 1 2004-07-04
19038 Catocala epione Iowa Linn Location Protected Frank Olsen 1 2003-07-31
19039 Catocala epione Iowa Van Buren Shimek State Forest, Farmington Unit Frank Olsen 1 2003-08-02
Displaying 18,151 - 18,175 of 299,593 results with 962,400 total observations. Queries took 8.629s.