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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
358588 Polites origenes Iowa Allamakee Mile Long Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
358589 Polites origenes Iowa Allamakee Mile Long Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
50235 Anatrytone logan Iowa Allamakee Hanover Township John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
358575 Anatrytone logan Iowa Allamakee Mile Long Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
50928 Atrytone arogos Iowa Dickinson Cayler Prairie State Preserve J C Downey 1 1987-07-08
106972 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Dennis Schlicht 1 1987-07-10
107998 Thorybes bathyllus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Dennis Schlicht 1 1987-07-10
107999 Thorybes pylades Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Dennis Schlicht 1 1987-07-10
107984 Staphylus hayhurstii Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Dennis Schlicht 1 1987-07-10
54932 Erynnis baptisiae Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358848 Erynnis baptisiae Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358849 Erynnis baptisiae Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
59477 Pholisora catullus Iowa Woodbury Sioux City State Prairie Preserve Tim Orwig 1 1987-07-10
56746 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
56747 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
56748 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
56749 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area 1 1987-07-10
56782 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Woodbury Sioux City State Prairie Preserve Tim Orwig 1 1987-07-10
56785 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Woodbury Sioux City State Prairie Preserve Tim Orwig 1 1987-07-10
358853 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358854 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358855 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358856 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358857 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358858 Hesperia ottoe Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
Displaying 1,776 - 1,800 of 18,853 results with 59,516 total observations. Queries took 0.432s.