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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
97146 Hylocichla mustelina Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
97131 Catharus guttatus Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
72801 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 3 2014-10-09
72843 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-15
72867 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-16
72900 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-17
72932 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-19
72998 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 6 2013-10-07
97169 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
120980 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 3 2014-10-09
121023 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-15
121059 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-16
121076 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-17
121113 Thryothorus ludovicianus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-19
97167 Sturnus vulgaris Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
97153 Passer domesticus Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
72796 Setophaga pensylvanica Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-09
120959 Setophaga pensylvanica Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-09
187302 Setophaga pensylvanica Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-14
97142 Setophaga virens Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
72797 Setophaga pinus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-09
72896 Setophaga pinus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-17
97141 Setophaga pinus Georgia Glynn Georgia-x Jim Durbin 1 1999-04-13
120960 Setophaga pinus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 1 2014-10-09
121084 Setophaga pinus Georgia Glynn Jekyll Island Jim Durbin 2 2014-10-17
Displaying 1,576 - 1,600 of 32,983 results with 129,485 total observations. Queries took 1.182s.