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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
356344 Bombus fervidus Iowa Winneshiek Hunter Property WCCB Abigail Miller 1 2020-07-17
356345 Bombus fervidus Iowa Winneshiek Hunter Property WCCB Abigail Miller 1 2020-08-19
144753 Melissodes bimaculata Iowa Johnson Iowa City Site 1 Mark Brown 1 2012-06-28
309017 Bombus citrinus Iowa Iowa Iowa County Chris Taliga 1 2010-07-05
201722 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park Moni Hayne 1 2017-07-27
287193 Bombus impatiens Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park Moni Hayne 1 2018-08-29
356448 Bombus affinis Iowa Winneshiek Location Protected Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-30
356449 Bombus affinis Iowa Winneshiek Location Protected Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356413 Apis mellifera Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-08-05
356450 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356451 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356452 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-30
356453 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356454 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-08-05
356455 Bombus auricomus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-21
356458 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356459 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356460 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-30
356461 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-30
356462 Bombus griseocollis Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-21
356456 Bombus bimaculatus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-08-05
356457 Bombus bimaculatus Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356463 Bombus impatiens Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-17
356464 Bombus impatiens Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-21
356465 Bombus impatiens Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Claire Dembsky 1 2014-07-21
Displaying 1,426 - 1,450 of 1,892 results with 2,008 total observations. Queries took 0.270s.