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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
353810 Harpalus pensylvanicus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-27
353811 Harpalus pensylvanicus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-26
353791 Galerita janus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-20
353792 Galerita janus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353798 Harpalus caliginosus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353799 Harpalus caliginosus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353800 Harpalus caliginosus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353757 Chlaenius emarginatus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-06
353758 Chlaenius emarginatus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-19
353679 Harpalus eraticus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-09-13
353680 Harpalus eraticus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-09-13
353805 Harpalus eraticus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-08-01
353806 Harpalus eraticus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-19
353817 Notiobia terminata Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-06
353818 Notiobia terminata Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-27
353819 Notiobia terminata Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-27
353820 Notiobia terminata Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-27
353821 Notiobia terminata Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-09-13
353762 Cicindela formosa Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353763 Cicindela formosa Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353764 Cicindela formosa Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353787 Euryderus grossus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-07-19
353788 Euryderus grossus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353789 Euryderus grossus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
353790 Euryderus grossus Minnesota Anoka Cedar Creek Natural History Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2000-06-28
Displaying 1,351 - 1,375 of 4,063 results with 4,338 total observations. Queries took 0.111s.