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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
328594 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 2 2022-07-12
328595 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 5 2022-07-18
328596 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 2 2022-08-09
328597 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 3 2022-08-16
328598 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 1 2022-07-05
328599 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 1 2022-07-17
328600 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area IBSN 2 2022-07-09
328601 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area IBSN 2 2022-07-19
328602 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Story McFarland Park IBSN 1 2022-07-07
328603 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Linn Noelridge Park IBSN 1 2022-09-19
328604 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Story Peterson Pits Recreation Area IBSN 1 2022-07-10
328605 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Story Peterson Pits Recreation Area IBSN 2 2022-07-12
328606 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Story Peterson Pits Recreation Area IBSN 4 2022-07-17
328607 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Delaware Pin Oak Park Area IBSN 15 2022-07-09
328608 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Delaware Pin Oak Park Area IBSN 175 2022-07-17
328609 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Delaware Pin Oak Park Area IBSN 3 2022-08-01
328610 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Louisa Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 2 2022-06-17
328611 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Louisa Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 20 2022-07-18
328612 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Louisa Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 4 2022-07-25
328613 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 2 2022-07-14
328614 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Scott Sunderbruch Park IBSN 5 2022-06-17
328615 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Scott Sunderbruch Park IBSN 3 2022-06-21
331100 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Johnson Hickory Hill Park Joe Zito 1 2022-07-17
331171 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Chris Edwards 1 2022-05-28
331181 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Chris Edwards 1 2022-05-28
Displaying 136,076 - 136,100 of 299,392 results with 962,198 total observations. Queries took 7.594s.