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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
8638 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 6 2011-06-19
8639 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 2 2011-06-26
8640 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-07-10
8641 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-07-24
8642 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-08-06
8643 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-08-28
8644 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-06-09
8645 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-06-17
8646 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-07-15
8647 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-07-21
8648 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-08-05
8649 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-08-11
8650 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-16
8651 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-16
8652 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-30
8653 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-07-14
8654 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-07-20
8655 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-08-01
8656 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-08-10
8657 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lyon Blood Run Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-25
8658 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lyon Gitchie Manitou State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-25
8659 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marshall Marietta Sand Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-05-23
8660 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marshall Marietta Sand Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-10-09
8661 Cupido comyntas Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2012-09-09
8662 Cupido comyntas Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2013-07-06
Displaying 13,526 - 13,550 of 13,707 results with 54,049 total observations. Queries took 1.635s.