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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
170489 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170490 Anterastria teratophora Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170494 Pseudeustrotia carneola Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170501 Pseudeustrotia carneola Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170504 Maliattha synochitis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170521 Leucania commoides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170523 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170524 Leuconycta diphteroides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170544 Pseudeustrotia carneola Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170550 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170556 Ponometia erastrioides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170558 Maliattha synochitis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170574 Anterastria teratophora Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170580 Maliattha synochitis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170600 Catabena lineolata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170608 Pseudeustrotia carneola Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170616 Phosphila miselioides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170632 Maliattha synochitis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170633 Anterastria teratophora Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170674 Leuconycta diphteroides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170685 Leuconycta lepidula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170687 Leuconycta lepidula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170695 Ponometia erastrioides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170704 Phosphila miselioides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170711 Leuconycta diphteroides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
Displaying 12,801 - 12,825 of 29,137 results with 70,408 total observations. Queries took 0.720s.