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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
159109 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Page Pierce Creek Recreation Area Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-21
159122 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Muscatine Pike Run Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1999-06-22
159124 Libellula pulchella Iowa Muscatine Pike Run Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1999-06-22
159142 Libellula pulchella Iowa Pocahontas Pocahontas County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-15
159149 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Montgomery Pilot Grove County Park Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-18
159150 Libellula pulchella Iowa Montgomery Pilot Grove County Park Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-18
159164 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159169 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159175 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-19
159179 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159187 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159201 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-19
159204 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159208 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159218 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-14
159238 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
159247 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hancock Pilot Knob State Park / Preserve Bob Cruden 1 1994-08-01
159255 Libellula pulchella Iowa Muscatine Wildcat Den State Park Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-25
159272 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-16
159275 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-14
159287 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-14
159290 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-14
159293 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-14
159302 Libellula pulchella Iowa Hardin Pine Lake State Park Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-14
159307 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Fremont Pinky's Glen Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-24
Displaying 1,176 - 1,200 of 2,908 results with 5,902 total observations. Queries took 0.056s.