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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
266566 Stomoxys calcitrans Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266651 Mumetopia occipitalis Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266663 Lucilia sericata Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266604 Coelotanypus concinnus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266676 Euthycera arcuata Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266617 Ablabesmyia annulata Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266567 Sylvicola notialis Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266571 Tipula oleracea Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266562 Loxocera undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266572 Eutrichota undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266622 Rhamphomyia undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266565 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266579 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266590 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266616 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266636 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266637 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266662 Flygenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
271205 Clogmia albipunctata Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-09-05
271352 Clogmia albipunctata Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-09-05
271283 Pollenia rudis Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2020-09-05
235121 Diogmites neoternatus Iowa Linn Hiawatha-x Don F. Becker 1 2019-07-22
235073 Delphinia picta Iowa Linn Hiawatha-x Don F. Becker 1 2019-05-22
356267 Criorhina verbosa Iowa Winneshiek Hickory Ridge Woods Nikhil Thacker 1 2017-06-07
344671 Promachus bastardii Iowa Lyon Hidden Bridge Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2023-07-03
Displaying 1,151 - 1,175 of 2,635 results with 2,802 total observations. Queries took 0.105s.