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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
161783 Argia moesta Iowa Floyd Rockford Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-25
161945 Argia moesta Iowa Delaware Delhi Silver Lake County Park Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-30
162104 Argia moesta Iowa Henry O'Laughlin Recreation Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1996-09-28
162109 Argia moesta Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Bob Cruden 1 1996-09-02
162110 Argia moesta Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Bob Cruden 1 1996-09-02
162114 Argia moesta Iowa Washington Coppock Access Bob Cruden 1 1996-09-02
162116 Argia moesta Iowa Hamilton Hamilton County Bob Cruden 1 2000-07-31
162127 Argia moesta Iowa Henry Oakland Mills Park Bob Cruden 1 1996-09-28
162132 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Welter County Park Bob Cruden 1 1994-05-27
162154 Argia moesta Iowa Decatur Slip Bluff County Park Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-27
162155 Argia moesta Iowa Decatur Slip Bluff County Park Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-27
162532 Argia moesta Iowa Madison Madison County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-28
162543 Argia moesta Iowa Madison Madison County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-28
162601 Argia moesta Iowa Davis Davis County Bob Cruden 1 1999-08-25
162647 Argia moesta Iowa Warren South River @ Hwy 65 Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-15
162692 Argia moesta Iowa Warren Warren County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-22
163179 Argia moesta Iowa Clarke Clarke County Bob Cruden 1 1998-09-04
163209 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Starr's Cave Nature Center Bob Cruden 1 1997-10-01
163224 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Starr's Cave Nature Center Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-26
163230 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Starr's Cave Nature Center Bob Cruden 1 1994-09-14
163581 Argia moesta Iowa Lucas White Breast Creek @ 137th Trail Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-12
164273 Argia moesta Iowa Muscatine Cedar River at 112th St Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-11
164679 Argia moesta Iowa Linn Troy Mills Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-23
164707 Argia moesta Iowa Winnebago Winnebago County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-31
164731 Argia moesta Iowa Delaware Turtle Creek Recreation Area Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-30
Displaying 1,126 - 1,150 of 9,156 results with 21,715 total observations. Queries took 0.179s.