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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
19530 Catocala relicta Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Sign John Rainey 1 2011-09-20
357666 Catocala relicta Iowa Winneshiek Luther College John Rainey 1 2011-09-20
312070 Catocala whitneyi Iowa Kossuth Stinson Prairie State Preserve John W Fleckenstein 1 1984-07-12
19725 Catocala ilia Kentucky Ohio Location Protected Jourdan Yeckering 1 2010-05-01
19726 Catocala umbrosa Kentucky Ohio Location Protected Jourdan Yeckering 1 2010-05-01
357161 Catocala micronympha Iowa Winneshiek Lionberger Environmental Preserve Julia Schulte 1 2020-08-19
19513 Catocala junctura Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Kathy Ausen 1 1970-09-19
19747 Catocala vidua Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Katie Elliott 1 2007-09-02
19748 Catocala vidua Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Katie Elliott 1 2007-09-02
357659 Catocala vidua Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Katie Elliott 1 2007-09-02
19200 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-15
19201 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-18
19202 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-18
19203 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-29
19204 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-31
19205 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-05
19206 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-05
19207 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-08
19208 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-21
19209 Catocala innubens Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-09-08
19445 Catocala piatrix Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-09-07
19446 Catocala piatrix Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-09-11
19483 Catocala piatrix Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-07-22
19484 Catocala piatrix Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-05
19485 Catocala piatrix Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-08
Displaying 1,126 - 1,150 of 2,766 results with 3,188 total observations. Queries took 0.061s.