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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
272514 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2020-08-14
279212 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-06-09
279213 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-06-18
279214 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-06-21
279215 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-07-14
279216 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-08-14
282299 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2020-08-21
321442 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2022-08-03
332923 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2022-08-09
332251 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2022-08-18
343241 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2023-06-28
343243 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2023-06-28
347738 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2023-08-21
355481 Schizura ipomaeae Iowa Winneshiek Spilde Woods Lena Schmitt 1 2018-08-08
356200 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Hickory Ridge Woods Lena Schmitt 1 2018-08-07
356201 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Hickory Ridge Woods Lena Schmitt 1 2018-08-07
356539 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Jewell Prairie Lena Schmitt 1 2018-08-07
357073 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Lionberger Environmental Preserve Lena Schmitt 1 2018-06-25
357074 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Lionberger Environmental Preserve Lena Schmitt 1 2018-08-08
357618 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Ryan Hahn 1 2005-10-05
358774 Schizura ipomoeae Iowa Winneshiek Roslien Woods Lena Schmitt 1 2018-06-24
45261 Schizura ipomaeae Kentucky Ohio Leon's Farm, Ohio County Jim Durbin 1 2006-05-29
45262 Schizura ipomaeae Kentucky Ohio Leon's Farm, Ohio County Jim Durbin 1 2006-05-29
45263 Schizura ipomaeae Minnesota Cook Golden Eagle Lodge Jim Durbin 1 2006-06-17
Displaying 76 - 99 of 99 results with 122 total observations. Queries took 0.006s.