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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
107075 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2011-06-21
107076 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2011-06-30
107077 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2010-06-29
55217 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected Mark Leoschke 15 2005-06-23
3109 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
107063 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected Jeff Nekola 1 1989-06-19
6828 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
65448 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
67742 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
107085 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2012-07-08
107086 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2011-06-24
208744 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-21
275157 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-02
107084 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Mitchell Location Protected Mark Leoschke 1 2009-07-11
107064 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Muscatine Location Protected Mark Leoschke 4 2005-06-24
55222 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Winneshiek Location Protected Frank Olsen 3 2001-06-29
55223 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Winneshiek Location Protected Frank Olsen 1 2001-06-21
55203 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected Bob Cecil 1 1987-06-10
55204 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected Bob Cecil 1 1989-06-25
55205 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected Bob Cecil 1 1987-06-25
55206 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected Hoffmeister 1 1950-07-01
55218 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Lee Location Protected Bob Cecil 1 1987-06-06
6830 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Floyd Location Protected Aaron Brees 4 2011-06-18
107067 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Floyd Location Protected Dennis Schlicht 1 2007-06-30
107068 Euphydryas phaeton Iowa Floyd Location Protected Mark Leoschke 15 2002-06-29
Displaying 76 - 100 of 147 results with 1,094 total observations. Queries took 0.013s.