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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
153576 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Gray Creek @ 450th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-10
153667 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Mill Creek & Gray Creek Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-11
153891 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa O'Brien Henry Creek @Yulan Ave Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-21
153897 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Henry Creek @ 110th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-21
154251 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Humboldt Humboldt County Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-12
154285 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Sac Junction of Indian Creek and 300th Street Bob Cruden 1 1994-08-05
154419 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Emmet Jack Creek @ 260th Street Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-29
154574 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dubuque Dubuque County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-21
154576 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dubuque Dubuque County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-21
155028 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Buchanan Kounty Pond - Hoffman Woods Area 2 Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-29
155282 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa O'Brien Mill Creek @ L48 Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-27
156392 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Buchanan Buchanan County Bob Cruden 1 1999-09-01
156427 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Gray Creek @ 450th Street Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-14
156545 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Benton Benton County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-08
156616 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Mitchell Little Cedar River @ Hwy 9 Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-06
156767 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dickinson West Branch Little Sioux River @ 150th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-10
156839 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Chickasaw Chickasaw County Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-08
156852 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Fayette Fayette County Bob Cruden 1 1997-09-06
156911 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Pocahontas Lizard Creek @ Hwy 10 Bob Cruden 1 1994-08-23
157044 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Howard Lubbert Park Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-23
157061 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dickinson Spring Run State Game Management Area Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-01
157455 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Franklin Franklin County Bob Cruden 1 2002-07-02
157756 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Mill Creek @ High Country Road Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-10
157767 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa O'Brien Mill Creek @ 400th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-08
157772 Calopteryx aequabilis Occitanie Hautes-Pyrénées Mill Creek @ 390th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-08-08
Displaying 76 - 100 of 1,892 results with 3,351 total observations. Queries took 0.040s.