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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
118248 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 1 2001-09-10
118249 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 2 2001-09-22
118250 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 1 2002-06-02
118251 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 1 2002-07-28
118252 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 1 2002-08-03
118253 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 3 2002-09-08
118254 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 3 2002-09-21
118255 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 1 1999-07-24
118256 Polites coras Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 4 2002-07-27
261252 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2018-09-17
261253 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 6 2018-09-23
261254 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 2 2019-07-31
261255 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2019-08-05
261256 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2019-08-17
261257 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 6 2019-08-27
261258 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 2 2019-09-04
261259 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 7 2019-09-12
261260 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 13 2019-09-17
261261 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 12 2019-09-18
261262 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 9 2019-09-24
261263 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 8 2019-09-30
286042 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2020-06-04
286050 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2020-06-25
286054 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 2 2020-07-31
286060 Polites coras Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 3 2020-09-14
Displaying 851 - 875 of 1,418 results with 3,957 total observations. Queries took 0.027s.