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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
232780 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-29
232781 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-29
232814 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-29
233054 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-04
233062 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-04
233109 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-04
233397 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-07
233595 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-07
233766 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2019-06-30
233770 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 1 2019-06-30
233916 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Mark Brown 3 2019-07-01
235314 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-08-02
237235 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2019-08-20
237244 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2019-08-19
237277 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2019-08-18
238664 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-09-30
238671 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-09-30
238682 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-09-30
239658 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-08-19
239659 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-09-02
239661 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-09-03
239662 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-08-03
241607 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 4 2019-06-18
241608 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 10 2019-06-26
241609 Acrolophus popeanella Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 10 2019-06-27
Displaying 826 - 850 of 1,443 results with 3,198 total observations. Queries took 0.040s.