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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
188799 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 1 2016-09-01
188803 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 3 2016-09-23
188805 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 31 2016-09-23
188806 Pyrisitia lisa Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 3 2016-09-23
188807 Phoebis sennae Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 1 2016-09-23
188810 Colias philodice Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 1 2016-09-23
188816 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-04-15
188820 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-05-05
188821 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 23 2016-05-05
188822 Colias eurytheme Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2016-05-05
188826 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 31 2016-05-10
188829 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-05-10
188834 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-05-16
188837 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 22 2016-05-19
188841 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-05-19
188842 Colias eurytheme Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-05-19
188844 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 23 2016-05-18
188846 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-05-18
188848 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 13 2016-05-20
188854 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 10 2016-05-26
188857 Colias eurytheme Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2016-05-26
188858 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 3 2016-06-02
188863 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-06-02
188866 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 8 2016-06-10
188868 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 6 2016-06-10
Displaying 8,276 - 8,300 of 23,392 results with 186,365 total observations. Queries took 0.390s.