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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
248873 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2019-07-21
248970 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2019-07-25
281925 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2020-07-01
281931 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2020-07-05
281932 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2020-07-06
281935 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2020-07-14
307905 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2021-06-12
308525 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2021-07-26
308622 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-10
331215 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2022-06-12
331358 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2022-06-20
331363 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2022-06-29
331365 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2022-07-05
349718 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-06-19
349719 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-06-21
349722 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 2 2023-07-04
349724 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-07-10
349730 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 2 2023-07-19
350019 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-06-22
350024 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-06-27
350029 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-07-04
350038 Speyeria cybele Iowa Johnson Daniels Circle NE Chris Edwards 1 2023-07-12
62643 Argynnis cybele Iowa Chickasaw Daubendiek Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2007-07-14
63132 Argynnis idalia Iowa Scott Davenport St. Ambrose Univ. 1 1966-08-25
5909 Argynnis cybele Iowa Davis Davis County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
Displaying 776 - 800 of 3,969 results with 20,092 total observations. Queries took 0.073s.