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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
149956 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Jones Jones County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
150050 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Mitchell Burr Oak Creek Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-23
150190 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Polk Camp Dodge Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-21
150845 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Muscatine Whiskey Run @ Hwy 92 Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-14
151069 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Bremer Bremer County Bob Cruden 1 1999-06-25
151141 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Black Hawk Black Hawk County Bob Cruden 1 1995-08-22
151152 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Mitchell Mitchell County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-12
151263 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
151279 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Gray Creek @ 450th Street Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-11
151285 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Cherokee County Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-11
151333 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Palo Alto Cylinder Creek @ 320th Street Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-29
151339 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Hardin Beaver Creek @ Hwy D35 Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-16
151397 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Dan Green Slough Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-09
151448 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Plymouth Deep Creek @ Hwy L14 Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-27
151524 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Bremer Bremer County Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-24
151709 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa O'Brien Dry Run Creek @ 460th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-28
151728 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Winnebago Winnebago County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-17
151748 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dickinson Dugout Creek Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-13
151754 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dickinson Dugout Creek Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-30
151759 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Dickinson Dugout Creek Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-30
151799 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Linn Linn County Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-23
151905 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Chickasaw Chickasaw County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-12
152063 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Black Hawk Black Hawk County Bob Cruden 1 1995-08-22
152774 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Fen Valley Area Bob Cruden 1 1994-06-28
152777 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cherokee Fiddle Creek @ 570th Street Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-27
Displaying 51 - 75 of 1,892 results with 3,351 total observations. Queries took 0.037s.