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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
283570 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2020-07-12
283608 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2020-07-26
283651 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 3 2020-08-09
283663 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2020-08-16
283696 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 3 2020-09-02
304416 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2021-05-12
304436 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2021-06-28
304515 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2021-07-04
304577 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2021-06-06
327990 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2022-05-16
327991 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2022-05-27
327992 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2022-06-09
327993 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2022-06-18
327994 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 4 2022-07-03
327995 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 3 2022-07-12
327996 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 1 2022-08-27
360669 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2023-08-27
363794 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2023-08-12
363844 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jefferson Cedar View Trail IBSN 2 2023-09-17
255500 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 2 2019-08-08
283535 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 1 2020-06-24
283556 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 1 2020-07-06
283593 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 3 2020-07-21
283619 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 8 2020-07-29
283636 Cupido comyntas Iowa Marion Central College Field Station IBSN 3 2020-08-04
Displaying 651 - 675 of 5,186 results with 28,763 total observations. Queries took 0.087s.