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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
7447 Argynnis cybele Iowa Plymouth Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2012-07-04
7448 Argynnis cybele Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Aaron Brees 12 2010-09-14
7449 Argynnis cybele Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2011-10-02
7450 Argynnis cybele Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2009-09-19
7451 Argynnis cybele Iowa Pottawattamie Folsom Point Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2010-08-29
7452 Argynnis cybele Iowa Warren Medora Prairie Aaron Brees 6 2011-07-10
67754 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monona Sylvan Runkel State Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-25
67785 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Lucas County Aaron Brees 1 2014-07-06
246657 Argynnis cybele Iowa Cerro Gordo Wilkinson Pioneer Park Aaron Brees 5 2011-07-09
246662 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monona Preparation Canyon State Park Aaron Brees 2 2011-09-25
208716 Argynnis aphrodite Iowa Cerro Gordo Wilkinson Pioneer Park Aaron Brees 1 2011-07-09
208715 Argynnis aphrodite Iowa Cerro Gordo Wilkinson Pioneer Park Aaron Brees 15 2011-07-09
208726 Argynnis idalia Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2011-07-10
208725 Argynnis idalia Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 40 2011-07-10
208724 Argynnis idalia Iowa Plymouth Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2011-06-25
7453 Argynnis idalia Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 1 2014-06-28
7454 Argynnis idalia Iowa Clarke Coyote Canyon Aaron Brees 1 2010-08-08
7455 Argynnis idalia Iowa Clarke Coyote Canyon Aaron Brees 1 2011-07-10
7457 Argynnis idalia Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 4 2009-07-10
7458 Argynnis idalia Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Aaron Brees 1 2009-07-05
7459 Argynnis idalia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2011-07-15
7460 Argynnis idalia Iowa Warren Medora Prairie Aaron Brees 32 2011-07-10
7461 Argynnis idalia Iowa Clinton Manikowski Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 1 2010-09-05
7462 Argynnis idalia Iowa Dickinson Cayler Prairie State Preserve Aaron Brees 3 2010-07-10
7464 Argynnis idalia Iowa Monona Sylvan Runkel State Preserve Aaron Brees 2 2011-07-24
Displaying 5,726 - 5,750 of 106,883 results with 628,093 total observations. Queries took 5.738s.