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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
127449 Perithemis tenera Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2007-06-15
127450 Perithemis tenera Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2007-06-29
127451 Perithemis tenera Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2007-06-29
127457 Plathemis lydia Iowa Van Buren Indian Lake Park, Farmington Jim Durbin 1 2007-09-09
127485 Argia tibialis Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127486 Enallagma basidens Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127489 Argia plana Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127491 Plathemis lydia Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127493 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127494 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127498 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127499 Argia plana Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127500 Argia plana Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
127505 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Dubuque White Pine Hollow State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
128049 Enallagma civile Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128051 Enallagma civile Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128052 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128053 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128054 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128055 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128056 Ischnura verticalis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128057 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128058 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128059 Enallagma civile Iowa Jackson Prairie Creek Recreation Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-10
128088 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Cerro Gordo Mason City spoiled beyond 1 2015-07-04
Displaying 551 - 575 of 27,148 results with 56,574 total observations. Queries took 2.303s.