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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
263102 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 4 2017-06-22
263103 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 167 2017-09-07
263104 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 3 2018-08-01
263105 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2019-07-05
263106 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 3 2019-07-16
263107 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 2 2019-07-18
263108 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 19 2019-07-23
263109 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 25 2019-07-25
263110 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 121 2019-07-30
263111 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 52 2019-08-15
263112 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 86 2019-08-20
263113 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 251 2019-08-01
263114 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 366 2019-08-06
263115 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 409 2019-08-08
263116 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Richard W Pohl Memorial Preserve, Ames IBSN 281 2019-08-13
263119 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 1 2017-07-04
263120 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 2 2018-08-29
263121 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 2 2018-09-08
263122 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 11 2019-06-02
263123 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 1 2019-06-13
263124 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 10 2019-07-08
263125 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 4 2019-07-16
263126 Vanessa cardui Iowa Warren Bank Swallow Bend Wildlife Area IBSN 4 2019-07-23
263128 Vanessa cardui Iowa Polk Big Creek State Park IBSN 1 2019-07-03
263129 Vanessa cardui Iowa Polk Big Creek State Park IBSN 5 2019-07-03
Displaying 5,501 - 5,525 of 7,645 results with 65,862 total observations. Queries took 0.182s.