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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
158423 Libellula pulchella Iowa Crawford Nelson Park Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-19
158957 Libellula pulchella Iowa Crawford Crawford County Bob Cruden 1 2001-07-05
161067 Libellula pulchella Iowa Crawford Denison Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-23
164018 Libellula pulchella Iowa Crawford Junction of Buffalo Creek and Hwy 39 Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-23
166295 Libellula pulchella Iowa Crawford Yellow Smoke Park Bob Cruden 1 1995-06-23
152407 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Dallas County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-23
276899 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Saylorville Wildlife Mangement Area - North of Granger Jay Gilliam 1 2003-06-28
277217 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-19
277221 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-20
277416 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Beaver Creek Bridge- Brenton Slough Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-16
277428 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-16
293982 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-19
293999 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-20
294339 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-16
294351 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Beaver Creek Bridge- Brenton Slough Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-16
294702 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Delaney's Prairie Steve Hummel 1 2021-06-19
294704 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Delaney's Prairie Steve Hummel 1 2021-06-19
294796 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Kuehn Connservation Area Leland Searles 1 2021-06-19
302063 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2021-08-15
345739 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-18
351816 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Granger Merle Hall 1 2020-06-08
351815 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Dallas Granger Merle Hall 1 2015-08-15
149139 Libellula pulchella Iowa Dallas Dallas County Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-21
149180 Libellula pulchella Iowa Dallas Beaver Lake and Dallas Lake State Wildlife Area Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-16
276552 Libellula pulchella Iowa Dallas Saylorville Wildlife Mangement Area - North of Granger Jay Gilliam 17 2020-06-08
Displaying 526 - 550 of 2,908 results with 5,902 total observations. Queries took 0.062s.