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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
121948 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-06-24
121949 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 9 2002-08-15
122426 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Jessica Davis 3 2002-07-17
140408 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Kuehn Connservation Area IBSN 1 2009-07-23
189342 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 8 2016-07-04
189351 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 8 2016-07-10
189379 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 3 2016-07-30
189403 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 4 2016-08-13
189420 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 1 2016-09-04
255550 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 2 2018-06-12
255551 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 2 2018-06-18
255552 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 1 2018-07-06
255553 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 2 2018-07-25
255554 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 4 2018-08-17
255555 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 1 2018-08-07
255556 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 1 2018-08-10
255557 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 7 2018-08-22
255558 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 3 2018-09-04
255559 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 13 2019-06-28
255560 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 10 2019-07-01
255561 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 1 2019-07-08
255562 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 22 2019-07-15
255563 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 20 2019-07-19
255564 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 10 2019-07-25
255565 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 17 2019-07-30
Displaying 526 - 550 of 5,186 results with 28,763 total observations. Queries took 0.126s.