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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
68899 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-09-07
68900 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-09-07
68957 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68958 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68959 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68960 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68961 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68962 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
68963 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2014-10-25
107293 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Buena Vista Buena Vista County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-16
107294 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Cherokee Cherokee County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-10
107295 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Pocahontas Pocahontas County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-08
107296 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Pocahontas Pocahontas County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-07
107297 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Pocahontas Pocahontas County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-08
107298 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Pocahontas Pocahontas County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-07
107299 Hylephila phyleus Iowa O'Brien O'Brien County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-16
107300 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Clay Clay County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-09
107301 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk Larsen 1 1999-09-30
107302 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Sac Sac County Ron Harms 1 1991-09-22
110148 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Frank Olsen 1 2014-07-30
110199 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Story Nevada Jim Durbin 1 2007-09-15
110200 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Story Nevada Jim Durbin 1 2007-09-15
110201 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2007-07-22
115363 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Keokuk Chris Edwards 1 2006-09-03
115365 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Chris Edwards 1 2002-08-11
Displaying 5,426 - 5,450 of 106,931 results with 628,180 total observations. Queries took 2.378s.