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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
149335 Argia moesta Iowa Benton Junction of Wolf Creek and Y Ave Bob Cruden 1 1995-08-30
149517 Argia moesta Iowa Grundy Grundy County Bob Cruden 1 1999-08-01
149809 Argia moesta Iowa Louisa Stream @ Hwy W66 Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-07
149918 Argia moesta Iowa Scott Buena Vista Public Use Area Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-27
149946 Argia moesta Iowa Linn Linn County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
149951 Argia moesta Iowa Linn Linn County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
149957 Argia moesta Iowa Jones Jones County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
149989 Argia moesta Iowa Scott Buffalo Shores Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-26
150008 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Des Moines County Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-07
150023 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Des Moines County Bob Cruden 1 1994-07-07
150076 Argia moesta Iowa Clayton Guttenberg Bob Cruden 1 1995-07-24
150188 Argia moesta Iowa Polk Camp Dodge Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-21
150242 Argia moesta Iowa Polk Junction of Beaver Creek and NW 86th St Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-09
150456 Argia moesta Iowa Louisa Cappy Russell Access Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-24
150507 Argia moesta Iowa Des Moines Casey Barrow Landing Bob Cruden 1 1998-08-20
150559 Argia moesta Iowa Wapello Wapello County Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-07
150568 Argia moesta Iowa Wapello Wapello County Bob Cruden 1 1998-08-22
150590 Argia moesta Iowa Cedar Rochester County Park Bob Cruden 1 1995-08-17
150591 Argia moesta Iowa Floyd Charles City Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-25
150954 Argia moesta Iowa Delaware Delaware County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-27
151057 Argia moesta Iowa Fayette Fayette County Bob Cruden 1 1999-08-14
151171 Argia moesta Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-29
151186 Argia moesta Iowa Union Union County Bob Cruden 1 1999-07-28
151205 Argia moesta Iowa Jasper Jasper County Bob Cruden 1 1998-07-23
151326 Argia moesta Iowa Scott Crow Creek Wildlife Management Area Bob Cruden 1 1998-06-21
Displaying 4,576 - 4,600 of 27,148 results with 56,574 total observations. Queries took 0.541s.