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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
54875 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Muscatine Shield Prairie Area Frank Olsen 3 2008-08-31
54876 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 3 2007-09-21
54877 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 2 2010-06-06
54878 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 15 2007-09-21
54879 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 3 2010-06-06
54880 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 5 2004-08-22
54881 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 5 2008-08-31
54882 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2006-09-08
54883 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2010-08-21
54884 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 1 2012-10-03
54885 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Delaware Newton Township Natural Area Frank Olsen 1 2007-07-20
54886 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 2 1991-06-08
54887 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 2 1991-06-16
54888 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 2 1991-08-10
54889 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-06-29
54890 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-07-20
54891 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-07-27
54892 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-08-03
54893 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-08-25
54894 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Monona Sylvan Runkel State Preserve Frank Olsen 3 2013-09-04
54895 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Monona Sylvan Runkel State Preserve Frank Olsen 2 2008-08-24
54896 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Monona Turin Loess Hills State Preserve Frank Olsen 3 2008-08-24
54897 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Ed Freese 1 2012-06-04
54898 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 2 2003-09-07
54899 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 3 2005-09-11
Displaying 426 - 450 of 18,866 results with 59,550 total observations. Queries took 0.398s.