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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
20135 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
357472 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
357473 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
46603 Sphinx kalmiae Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
357625 Sphinx kalmiae Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
23011 Darapsa myron Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
357507 Darapsa myron Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
39950 Paonias excaecata Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-06-08
357588 Paonias excaecata Iowa Winneshiek Luther College David Wente 1 1998-07-08
35509 Manduca sexta Iowa Linn Center Point Dennis Schlicht 1 1988-08-14
20110 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Cerro Gordo McIntosh Woods Dennis Schlicht 1 2004-06-30
177265 Eumorpha pandorus Iowa Linn Center Point Dennis Schlicht 1 2016-08-02
22976 Darapsa myron Iowa Linn Center Point Dennis Schlicht 1 2004-06-04
30799 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Location Protected Dennis Sharp 1 2012-11-05
192726 Aellopos titan Iowa Polk Camp Dodge Dennis Thompson 1 2017-06-18
366210 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Center Point Dennis W Schlicht 1 2024-05-03
46604 Sphinx kalmiae Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Derek Bremen 1 2005-08-18
29705 Hemaris thysbe Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Derek Bremen 1 2005-06-03
358842 Manduca sexta Iowa Guthrie Stuart Derek Broman 1 2006-07-27
357857 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Guthrie Menlo Derek Broman 1 2006-07-04
357624 Sphinx kalmiae Iowa Winneshiek Luther College Derek Broman 1 2005-08-18
358313 Hemaris thysbe Iowa Allamakee Osterholm Site Derek Broman 1 2005-06-03
199994 Ceratomia amyntor Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Don F. Becker 1 2016-06-21
200065 Ceratomia amyntor Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Don F. Becker 1 2016-06-27
200112 Ceratomia amyntor Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Don F. Becker 1 2016-07-09
Displaying 326 - 350 of 4,232 results with 7,389 total observations. Queries took 0.101s.