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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
362915 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 43 2023-06-09
302827 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park IBSN 44 2021-07-14
112766 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson North Liberty Chris Edwards 46 2002-07-27
51529 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 48 1994-06-13
280443 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 50 2020-06-08
51510 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Warren Blue Flag Marsh Dennis Schlicht 51 2006-06-07
250397 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dallas Forest Park Museum and Arboretum IBSN 51 2019-07-15
109674 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Frank Olsen 53 2014-06-11
112711 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 54 2014-07-19
112831 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 55 2001-06-13
112868 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 55 2003-07-19
183894 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 59 2016-07-16
112696 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 60 2001-07-19
112706 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 63 2009-07-19
282727 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area IBSN 88 2020-06-14
202747 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 92 2017-07-15
112870 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 96 2005-07-16
112867 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 97 2001-07-21
112869 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 101 2004-07-17
51625 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Iowa Indiangrass Hills Frank Olsen 103 2008-07-26
248889 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 137 2019-07-22
112839 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 165 2008-07-26
112694 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 200 2000-07-16
183614 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 256 2015-07-18
112871 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 347 2008-07-26
Displaying 3,376 - 3,400 of 3,400 results with 14,368 total observations. Queries took 0.058s.