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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
51515 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Clay Bertram Reservation Dennis Schlicht 1 2004-06-30
51516 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Butler Big Marsh Wildlife Area Dennis Schlicht 1 1988-07-06
51517 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Butler Blackmun Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2010-05-28
51518 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lyon Blood Run Preserve Mike Saunders 1 1993-06-26
51519 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lyon Blood Run Preserve Mike Saunders 1 1993-06-26
51520 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Bremer Boevers Wetland Mitigation Dennis Schlicht 1 2006-06-17
51521 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dubuque Catfish Creek State Preserve Frank Olsen 2 2012-07-20
51522 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dubuque Catfish Creek State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2012-07-30
51523 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dubuque Catfish Creek State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2012-08-24
51524 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dubuque Catfish Creek State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2012-09-12
51525 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Dubuque Catfish Creek State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2013-06-19
51526 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Falls Dennis Schlicht 1 1969-08-24
51527 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Dennis Schlicht 1 1976-08-31
51528 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Dennis Schlicht 1 1978-07-04
51529 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 48 1994-06-13
51530 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 10 1993-06-19
51531 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 13 1994-06-21
51532 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 16 1993-07-29
51533 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1993-07-23
51534 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 2 1994-08-18
51535 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 20 1993-08-01
51536 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 1 1993-08-01
51537 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 3 1994-06-30
51538 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 31 1993-06-22
51539 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Black Hawk Cedar Hills Sand Prairie Preserve Ed Freese 5 1993-06-27
Displaying 276 - 300 of 3,400 results with 14,368 total observations. Queries took 0.065s.