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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
173736 Hypena abalienalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-24
170370 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170378 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170393 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170408 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170422 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
173878 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-30
132683 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-11
132822 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
169813 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
170051 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
173737 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-24
173823 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-26
182170 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-04-13
170131 Colobochyla interpuncta Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
169937 Rivula propinqualis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
170525 Plusiodonta compressipalpis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
173739 Metalectra discalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-24
46155 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Wirth-Springer Woods Frank Olsen 1 2010-06-13
169939 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
170136 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170162 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170223 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170224 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170244 Spargaloma sexpunctata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
Displaying 29,026 - 29,050 of 299,607 results with 962,414 total observations. Queries took 7.839s.