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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
30842 Hyles lineata Iowa Monona Sylvan Runkel State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2013-09-04
30843 Hyles lineata Iowa Monona Turin Loess Hills State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2013-09-04
143720 Manduca sexta Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2013-09-05
203925 Manduca sexta Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2013-09-05
22952 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Linn Location Protected Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-05
30844 Hyles lineata Iowa Woodbury Sioux City State Prairie Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2013-09-05
125106 Agrius cingulata Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2013-09-06
138000 Agrius cingulata Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2013-09-06
35521 Manduca sexta Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2013-09-06
22956 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-06
66423 Manduca sexta Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2013-09-07
66424 Eumorpha pandorus Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2013-09-07
1588 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
22957 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
30856 Hyles lineata Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
110352 Hyles lineata Iowa Pottawattamie Council Bluffs 1 2013-09-07
111233 Hyles lineata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-07
229444 Hyles lineata Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park Wolfgang Oesterreich 1 2013-09-07
22958 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-08
111234 Hyles lineata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-08
1589 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-09
22953 Darapsa choerilus Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-09
111218 Manduca sexta Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-10
111219 Manduca quinquemaculatus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-10
111235 Hyles lineata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-10
Displaying 2,701 - 2,725 of 4,228 results with 7,385 total observations. Queries took 0.093s.