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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
275865 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Colyn Wildlife Management Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-30
275915 Argynnis cybele Iowa Cerro Gordo Wilkinson County Park Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-02
275923 Argynnis cybele Iowa Madison Pammel State Park Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-03
275945 Argynnis cybele Iowa Clarke Coyote Canyon Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-10
275992 Argynnis cybele Iowa Decatur Slip Bluff County Park Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-13
276017 Argynnis cybele Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-16
276086 Argynnis cybele Iowa Decatur Decatur Wildlife Management Area Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-28
276120 Argynnis cybele Iowa Decatur Slip Bluff County Park Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-28
276133 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Lucas County Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-28
277697 Argynnis cybele Iowa Clarke Red Fern Timber 1 2010-07-25
281905 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Hawkeye Willdlife Management Area Chris Edwards 3 2020-06-06
281906 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 2 2020-06-08
281907 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Chris Edwards 3 2020-06-08
281908 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Lucas County Chris Edwards 1 2020-06-12
281909 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Stephens State Forest - Cedar Creek Unit Chris Edwards 5 2020-06-12
281910 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Lucas County Chris Edwards 57 2020-06-12
281911 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Chris Edwards 8 2020-06-12
281912 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Lee County Chris Edwards 4 2020-06-21
281913 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 29 2020-06-21
281914 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Chris Edwards 75 2020-06-21
281915 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Chris Edwards 2 2020-06-21
281916 Argynnis cybele Iowa Johnson Turkey Creek Preserve Chris Edwards 18 2020-06-24
281917 Argynnis cybele Iowa Fayette Volga River SRA-Heron Road Fen Chris Edwards 3 2020-06-25
281918 Argynnis cybele Iowa Fayette Volga River SRA-I Avenue Prairie Chris Edwards 43 2020-06-25
281919 Argynnis cybele Iowa Fayette Volga River SRA-I Avenue Sand Prairie Chris Edwards 13 2020-06-25
Displaying 2,126 - 2,150 of 3,969 results with 20,092 total observations. Queries took 0.225s.