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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
308569 Polites themistocles Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
308554 Anatrytone logan Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 22 2021-08-03
308570 Anatrytone logan Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
306482 Lon zabulon Iowa Scott Sunderbruch Park IBSN 6 2021-08-03
308532 Lycaena hypophlaeas Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 20 2021-08-03
308533 Strymon melinus Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 2 2021-08-03
302805 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Scott Wapsi River Environmental Center IBSN 1 2021-08-03
302809 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 2 2021-08-03
308535 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
306597 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Cass Outdoor Educational Classroom-Cass Co. IBSN 1 2021-08-03
306595 Polygonia comma Iowa Scott Sunderbruch Park IBSN 1 2021-08-03
308540 Vanessa cardui Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
306838 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Shelby Jens Jensen Prairie Landscape Park IBSN 16 2021-08-03
306850 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Cass Outdoor Educational Classroom-Cass Co. IBSN 1 2021-08-03
306858 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 1 2021-08-03
306865 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 2 2021-08-03
306900 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-08-03
306904 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 1 2021-08-03
308541 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 5 2021-08-03
308562 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
308542 Junonia coenia Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 2 2021-08-03
308536 Argynnis cybele Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
302758 Boloria bellona Iowa Polk Easter Lake IBSN 1 2021-08-03
308537 Boloria bellona Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Chris Edwards 1 2021-08-03
297580 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center Frank Olsen 2 2021-08-03
Displaying 21,201 - 21,225 of 106,882 results with 628,091 total observations. Queries took 2.337s.