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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
169891 Choristoneura rosaceana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
170137 Choristoneura rosaceana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170329 Choristoneura rosaceana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170605 Choristoneura rosaceana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
173701 Choristoneura rosaceana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-22
170172 Archips argyrospila Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170692 Archips argyrospila Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
16439 Archips purpurana Iowa Decatur Wirth-Springer Woods Frank Olsen 1 2010-06-13
173835 Archips purpurana Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-27
169827 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
169912 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-17
170055 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170184 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-18
170313 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170337 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170348 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170366 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170385 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170413 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170439 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170467 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170475 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170492 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170505 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
170506 Archips grisea Iowa Decatur Location Protected Jim Durbin 1 2016-06-21
Displaying 15,851 - 15,875 of 16,302 results with 20,104 total observations. Queries took 0.505s.