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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
222895 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-07-10
222896 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-07-11
222939 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-08-03
222940 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-08-03
222944 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-07-18
222946 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-07-18
222947 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2018-07-18
224303 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Winneshiek 100 Acre Wood-x MJ Hatfield 1 2018-07-12
224364 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Winneshiek 100 Acre Wood-x MJ Hatfield 1 2018-07-07
225549 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2018-07-15
227587 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Pocahontas Kalsow Prairie State Preserve Donald Wright 1 1998-07-19
234210 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-26
234242 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-26
234258 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-26
234508 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-07-23
241801 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-07-08
241802 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-08-03
241803 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-08-05
241804 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2019-08-08
272967 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-07-29
272968 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-07-29
272969 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 2020-08-01
312128 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2022-07-18
320259 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2022-07-13
320563 Pelochrista matutina Iowa Johnson Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2022-07-17
Displaying 135,951 - 135,975 of 138,499 results with 248,515 total observations. Queries took 4.048s.