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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
251955 Colias philodice Iowa Warren Churchville Prairie IBSN 24 2019-09-20
275568 Colias philodice Iowa Warren Location Protected Jay Gilliam 1 2019-09-20
251180 Colias eurytheme Iowa Warren Churchville Prairie IBSN 1 2019-09-20
251554 Colias eurytheme Iowa Johnson Waterworks Prairie Park, Iowa City IBSN 7 2019-09-20
250916 Zerene cesonia Iowa Johnson Waterworks Prairie Park, Iowa City IBSN 2 2019-09-20
258583 Phoebis sennae Iowa Warren Churchville Prairie IBSN 1 2019-09-20
255344 Pyrisitia lisa Iowa Johnson Waterworks Prairie Park, Iowa City IBSN 5 2019-09-20
257569 Nathalis iole Iowa Johnson Waterworks Prairie Park, Iowa City IBSN 1 2019-09-20
260466 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Moore Memorial Park IBSN 4 2019-09-19
260838 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 46 2019-09-19
275553 Pieris rapae Iowa Marion Wilcox Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2019-09-19
275554 Colias philodice Iowa Marion Wilcox Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2019-09-19
275555 Colias eurytheme Iowa Marion Wilcox Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2019-09-19
258619 Phoebis sennae Iowa Story Moore Memorial Park IBSN 4 2019-09-19
275556 Pyrisitia lisa Iowa Marion Wilcox Wildlife Area Jay Gilliam 1 2019-09-19
257563 Nathalis iole Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 1 2019-09-19
241203 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Frank Olsen 10 2019-09-18
259989 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 16 2019-09-18
260577 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 38 2019-09-18
260645 Pieris rapae Iowa Delaware Pin Oak Park Area IBSN 7 2019-09-18
252477 Colias philodice Iowa Delaware Pin Oak Park Area IBSN 5 2019-09-18
241204 Colias eurytheme Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Frank Olsen 5 2019-09-18
251151 Colias eurytheme Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 5 2019-09-18
251360 Colias eurytheme Iowa Linn Northwood Hills Neighborhood IBSN 1 2019-09-18
241205 Phoebis sennae Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Frank Olsen 1 2019-09-18
Displaying 9,626 - 9,650 of 23,392 results with 186,365 total observations. Queries took 0.423s.