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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
107827 Satyrium titus Iowa Greene Perkins Prairie State Preserve Stephanie Shepherd 4 2007-06-25
5646 Satyrium calanus Iowa Greene Greene County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
200557 Satyrium liparops Iowa Greene Location Protected Eileen Miller 1 2017-06-20
5683 Satyrium caryaevorus Iowa Fremont Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
5684 Satyrium caryaevorus Iowa Fremont Location Protected BAMONA 1 2013-07-06
10010 Satyrium caryaevorus Iowa Fremont Location Protected Tom Jantscher 1 2013-07-06
266818 Satyrium caryaevorus Iowa Fremont Location Protected Paul Frese 1 2020-06-16
5755 Satyrium titus Iowa Fremont Sidney USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
5645 Satyrium calanus Iowa Fremont Sidney USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
62174 Satyrium calanus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Doug Veal 1 2006-06-04
62175 Satyrium calanus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Doug Veal 1 2006-06-04
62176 Satyrium calanus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Tim Orwig 1 1990-06-25
62177 Satyrium calanus Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Tim Orwig 1 1950-07-01
5717 Satyrium liparops Iowa Fremont Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
62318 Satyrium titus Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 2 2006-07-18
62319 Satyrium titus Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 6 2007-06-19
62320 Satyrium titus Iowa Franklin Kothenbeutel Prairie Frank Olsen 7 2006-07-02
5716 Satyrium liparops Iowa Franklin Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
5754 Satyrium titus Iowa Floyd Floyd County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
62278 Satyrium titus Iowa Floyd Rockford Fossil & Prairie Park Preserve Frank Olsen 12 2006-07-02
62279 Satyrium titus Iowa Floyd Rockford Fossil & Prairie Park Preserve Frank Olsen 5 2006-07-10
62280 Satyrium titus Iowa Floyd Rockford Fossil & Prairie Park Preserve Frank Olsen 8 2007-06-19
62281 Satyrium titus Iowa Floyd Rockford Fossil & Prairie Park Preserve Mike Saunders 1 1993-07-13
5609 Satyrium acadica Iowa Floyd Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
107810 Satyrium acadica Iowa Floyd Location Protected Dennis Schlicht 1 1986-07-09
Displaying 876 - 900 of 1,379 results with 2,876 total observations. Queries took 0.038s.