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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
5359 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Johnson Johnson County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-30
61792 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Chickasaw Joachim Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2004-08-05
140233 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2015-07-02
140249 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2015-08-20
140266 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 2 2015-06-14
189827 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2016-06-24
189865 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 3 2016-08-05
261522 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 2 2019-08-06
330454 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2022-07-07
362146 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2023-06-13
362158 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 1 2023-07-17
365687 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Polk Jester Park IBSN 2 2023-07-21
261519 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 1 2017-05-31
330451 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 2 2022-07-01
330452 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 2 2022-07-09
330453 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 1 2022-08-16
261515 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park IBSN 1 2019-06-25
261516 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park IBSN 1 2019-07-11
261517 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park IBSN 1 2019-08-07
261518 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park IBSN 1 2019-09-16
5358 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-30
5357 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Jasper Jasper County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-30
61790 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Henry Jarvis Wetland Mitigation Dennis Schlicht 1 2005-08-14
61791 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Henry Jarvis Wetland Mitigation Frank Olsen 1 2005-08-23
61788 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Linn J. Harold Ennis County Park Frank Olsen 1 1991-09-21
Displaying 826 - 850 of 1,366 results with 2,799 total observations. Queries took 0.026s.