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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
346531 Argynnis cybele Iowa Warren Annett Nature Center Park Jay Gilliam 6 2023-06-16
346538 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lucas Cinder Path Trail Jay Gilliam 9 2023-06-17
346556 Argynnis cybele Iowa Wapello Eddyville Sand Prairie Park Jay Gilliam 2 2023-06-17
346580 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 12 2023-06-17
346595 Argynnis cybele Iowa Guthrie Springbrook State Park Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-18
346606 Argynnis cybele Iowa Dallas Voas Nature Area Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-18
346617 Argynnis cybele Iowa Davis Eldon Wildlife Management Area Jay Gilliam 2 2023-06-24
346622 Argynnis cybele Iowa Van Buren Mount Sterling Jay Gilliam 4 2023-06-24
346628 Argynnis cybele Iowa Van Buren Shimek State Forest, Farmington Unit Jay Gilliam 4 2023-06-24
346631 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Farmington Unit Jay Gilliam 12 2023-06-24
346636 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jay Gilliam 45 2023-06-24
346644 Argynnis cybele Iowa Van Buren Shimek State Forest, Farmington Unit Jay Gilliam 6 2023-06-24
346652 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jay Gilliam 5 2023-06-24
346659 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Jay Gilliam 14 2023-06-24
346666 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Jay Gilliam 19 2023-06-25
346677 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Jay Gilliam 7 2023-06-25
346706 Argynnis cybele Iowa Plymouth Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 3 2023-07-01
346732 Argynnis cybele Iowa Sioux Oak Grove State Park Jay Gilliam 1 2023-07-02
346774 Argynnis cybele Iowa Wright Big Wall Lake Wildlife Management Area Jay Gilliam 4 2023-07-04
346807 Argynnis cybele Iowa Warren Annett Nature Center Park Jay Gilliam 4 2023-07-09
346818 Argynnis cybele Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 7 2023-07-09
346892 Argynnis cybele Iowa Decatur Slip Bluff County Park Jay Gilliam 1 2023-07-23
346944 Argynnis cybele Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-05
346988 Argynnis cybele Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Jay Gilliam 3 2023-08-12
347042 Argynnis cybele Iowa Marion Red Rock Reservoir- Elk Rock Archery Range Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-19
Displaying 626 - 650 of 3,162 results with 17,634 total observations. Queries took 0.126s.