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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
184322 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jones Beam's Woods Chris Edwards 1 2016-10-02
181154 Strymon melinus Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-27
181156 Echinargus isola Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-27
189621 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2016-09-27
182069 Parrhasius m-album Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-09-27
181155 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Frank Olsen 2 2016-09-27
189226 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-09-27
181110 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Frank Olsen 2 2016-09-24
181124 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Frank Olsen 8 2016-09-24
181134 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lee Turkey Run Access Frank Olsen 2 2016-09-24
181142 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-24
189202 Strymon melinus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2016-09-23
188808 Cupido comyntas Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie IBSN 1 2016-09-23
189195 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2016-09-22
188572 Strymon melinus Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames Nathan Brockman 1 2016-09-20
189603 Strymon melinus Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2016-09-20
262177 Strymon melinus Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 1 2016-09-20
189609 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2016-09-20
181058 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jackson Bellevue State Park Frank Olsen 6 2016-09-20
181068 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dubuque Pohlman Prairie Frank Olsen 10 2016-09-20
181079 Cupido comyntas Iowa Jones Breen Prairie Frank Olsen 2 2016-09-20
189172 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-09-20
181030 Cupido comyntas Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Frank Olsen 10 2016-09-18
189155 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-09-17
181011 Lycaena hypophlaeas Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-15
Displaying 6,201 - 6,225 of 13,700 results with 54,031 total observations. Queries took 0.283s.